Let’s create together

Co-create the Temple of Together with us! Learn more about the different ways you can get involved and fill in the volunteer form to connect with the community. We can't wait to hear from you!

From March to July 2024, hundreds of volunteers pitched in every weekend in-person and remotely to support the Temple of Together Pre-Build.

If you are interested in joining the next Temple’s Pre-Build, keep an eye on the Burning Man Journal’s announcement of the 2025 Temple in the New Year!

How do I become a volunteer? 

EVERYONE is welcome to support! Here is how you can get involved: 

  1. Complete the volunteer form (now closed)! This adds you to our mailing list and we will reach out to you whenever there are opportunities aligned with the interests you’ve checked off.

  2. Join the Temple Volunteers Facebook group! If you have Facebook, join us here for quick updates, build schedules, stories, and to connect with other volunteers digitally.

  3. Find your way to co-create! Our main build workstreams are Carpentry, Textiles, and Paper Arts (see below). There are also various other ways to support this volunteer-run community, so take a look at for a full list of of ways to support remotely or in-person during the Pre-Build period.

Check out our Volunteer FAQs here!



The Plan:
We are building components of the Temple and shipping them out in 10 truck loads from now until the end of July. There’s a variety of activities each week in working with wood, whether it’s loading/unloading, cutting and assembling, CNCing, milling of upcycled wood, and other wood shop activities. We welcome everyone, master carpenters and complete beginners alike, to come learn and build together!

How to Join:
In person at Build Days at The Loom - no prior experience required!


The Plan:
Benches in the Temple will be adorned with 250-500 cushions to be made by the global community! Find the template here. Come sew with us at The Loom or create one that you can ship to us or bring on Playa yourself! Cushions should be delivered to the Temple build site at the Loom by July 20th.

We are also creating over 150 lantern covers to make the Temple glow! All are welcome to assist at the Loom.

How to Join:
In person at Build Days at The Loom OR remotely.

Paper arts

The Plan:
Graceful, pendant-shaped wish lanterns made of vellum will be assembled and installed on Playa. 100 of the wish lanterns that will be placed in the chapels will feature handwritten dedications (or “wishes”) submitted by the global community.

How to Join:
If you feel called to submit a dedication, please contribute it in this form here. The form will be open until July 27, or when we have received 100 dedications.


How do you feel called to help?
There are many other ways to get involved in-person and remotely. See the full list of “Ways to Get Involved” and reach out if any elements speak to you! Our needs fluctuate as we go through the Pre-Build journey, so please proactively reach out if there’s a certain area that calls to you and we’re happy to see how it plugs into where we are currently at.

How to Join:
Sign up on the volunteer form below and reach out to volunteer@2024temple.com if there’s a particular area you’re enthusiastic about getting involved in.